Well, it didn't get much better on Saturday to the point where I went to bed at 7.30pm. My whole body felt as limp as a vicar's handshake, and not feeling like eating didn't help. Sunday was a bit better but by the end of the day I was totally worn out, having done nothing at all.
Today sees a slight improvement but still feel probably the worst I have since my cancer journey started. All along the line I've never felt "ill", but this weekend has been an exception. Anyway, it was off to the GP nurse this morning to have my "wound" dressed, and it's looking good. It's drying up and starting to heal so the silver dressing has been replaced by an iodine strip to aid drying up and to speed up the final heal over. So far so good.
Next, it was temperature time. Under 37! Brilliant - a good sign as that's the lowest it's been for ages. So far so good.
Finally, blood pressure time, and guess what - still high. Well, two out of three ain't bad! Anyway, because of that and my general poor condition my lovely nurse arranged for me to see the GP straightaway. He gave me a good check up, and apart from the BP all seemed OK so he thinks I've picked up some sort of virus. So, it's Amoxicillin for the potential bug and Ramipril for the blood pressure.
It's back to see the oncology people on Friday, preferably with a body fit enough to start chemo again. In the meantime, has anyone seen my "I-SPY Medical Problems" book anywhere so I can add my latest acquisitions?!
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