Friday, 15 June 2012

Another Chance.

Readers may recall that chemotherapy has failed to halt the tumours in my liver, and I've been waiting for results of tests to see if another drug could possibly work. It's been a long three weeks and for a change I've got some good news to report.

The drug in question is called Celuximab (Erbitux), and is classed as a monoclonal antibody. It recognises and locks onto specific proteins (receptors) on the surface of cancer cells. This enables the body's immune system to recognise the cancer cells and destroy them. The problem is that is only acts on cells with certain properties, but fortunately the ones affecting me are likely to respond, and so treatment starts with the next 2-3 weeks.

The drug is not on the NHS list, but Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield have secured funding for me for up to twelve months. Treatment will involve a weekly visit to the day case unit for about an hour on the drip. After twelve weeks they'll do a scan to see how things are going, and then decide whether to continue further.

Like any other treatment there can be some side effects, but as long as I don't prove to be allergic to it (plenty of Piriton is given before the treatment) I can cope with that. It's got to be worth a shot, hasn't it?

Update 20June - first appoitment 3rd July.

1 comment:

  1. Kathryn and John1 July 2012 at 22:07

    Lots of luck for Tuesday. Will be thinking of you (as always), Kathryn and John
